

Project: Writech

Industry: Workplace

Project Date: 2024 – ongoing

Location: Ireland

Technology: Landscape Displays located around office space and canteens

Introduction: Writech are internationally recognised, award winning company who Design, Manufacture, Install, Service & Commission Fire Protection Systems.

Using for internal communication with staff has elevated the impact of their overall communication strategy.

“We’ve been able to build stronger connections between all staff and improve the efficiency of our communication”
Louise Ahern, Executive Assistant, Writech

Working with made the difference

After identifying Digital Signage as a tool to help Writech tackle their internal communication challenges, they embarked upon a journey to install screens in key locations and utilise for the content and screen management.

So far so good, but after a couple of months, employees began to complain about the content shared on screens being irrelevant and difficult to understand. Writech reached out to to ask for guidance and best practices.

provided Writech with expert best practice on getting the best out of Digital Signage and Writech fully embraced the information being shared to totally reshape the way they utilised the screens and how they delivered messages… with exceptional results.

This goes to show that having the best screens and software in the world can only take you so far… to have a fully functioning, impactful solution, businesses need to fully understand how to maximise the impact of their messages using Digital Signage.

embed signage - digital signage software - good digital signage content design - writech before vs after content update

“One of the biggest challenges we faced internally was communication between the company and employees, our staff simply didn’t feel they were being included or understanding what was going on within the company. We reviewed a variety of communication tools and decided Digital Signage was the right tool to help us address this, so we set out and installed a selection of large displays around the workplace, with a view for this to become a core part of our communication strategy. The initial launch period was well received but we quickly began receiving regular feedback that employees found the information boring, difficult to understand, unsightly and we were consistently asked for the content to be updated more frequently. So, we were now in a position where we had the software and the screens but what we were putting on the screens was missing the mark… now our challenge was how do we improve our content and keep employees engaged with the screens?

We began to review our content and had discussions with around best practices, which led to implementation of an entire redesign and rethinking of how we deliver messages using the screens. Since we’ve set the new structure and designs live, we have seen a massive shift in the engagement with staff. Regular feedback has been provided about how easy it is now to digest the information being shared and there are no reports of ‘content fatigue’.

We have now set up the screens in all offices and canteens, and the improvement we’ve witnessed in our employee communications has been dramatic. Working with has provided much more value than we had ever anticipated, their excellent customer service and expertise has truly made the difference on the impact of our signage and overall communication strategy. We’ve been able to build stronger connections between all staff, improve the efficiency of our communication and we would 100% recommend embed to any other company in the same position we were in.”

Louise Ahern, Executive Assistant, Writech

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