Development Log: 11th October 2016 Updates

This week we’ve made a range of improvements to
. Many thanks to the community for providing helpful feedback on any bugs they’ve discovered. We appreciate the feedback, now here’s whats new:UI/UX Improvements
- Added: Advanced User Groups – Split users into multiple user groups. Apply rules to the user groups to exclude or only show items with specified tags.
- Added: Plugin User Roles – Admins can now specify which plugins users can see and what they can do with them.
- Added: Device Controller Permissions – Users with ‘Only view devices’ role can only get screenshots, users with ‘Edit device role’ can do everything else.
- Improved: Emptying media trash, user wait times dramatically reduced
- Improved: Device controller volume and Mute icons now match selected values.
Bug Fixes
- Content Playback – conditional play on playlists with video.
- Content Playback – touch zones were not completely hidden so that zones underneath could not be interacted with.
- Content Playback – zones set to hidden that had zone animation applied, the zone would animate in and then animate out.
- Colour Swatches – folder colour picker, had issues where users could not name swatches or input hex/rgba tags.
- Layout Templates – where creating a layout template that included a background image would not pull through to ‘new’ layouts.
- Layout Templates – where Template content triggers were not functioning correctly.
- Layout Builder – zone duplication caused issues with content.
- Layout Builder – with a zone selected, adding a background image to the layout would apply the image to the zone.
- Layout Builder – options panel where panel would not resize properly after moving.
- Tooltips – when hovering tooltip info would be hidden behind top menu bar.
Samsung Smart Signage Platform App Updated to v3.5.1
- App now detects if SD card is locked or not
- Fixed issue with remote troubleshooter when used with an external storage device (USB, SD Card) where external storage files would not be deleted properly
We are consistently developing and improving
. Keep up to date with our latest updates and improvements by signing up for our email alerts and following us on our social media accounts.