
Player Apps

Platform Download/Configuration Supported Release Notes
Win 64-bit – v4.3.3 Windows 7, Windows 10, Windows 11 Release notes
Win 32-bit – v4.3.3 Windows 7, Windows 10, Windows 11 Release notes
Mac – v4.2.1 OSX 10.7+ Release notes
iOS – v4.1.2 iOS9+ Release notes
Android – v4.1.1
PlayStore | APK
4.2+ Release notes
ChromeOS – v1.1.5 Devices running ChromeOS and Latest Stable Channel Release notes
Samsung Smart Signage Platform v2 – 3.6.2 DMD, DHD, DBD, DBD-P, OHD, OMD-W, OMD-K
Samsung Smart Signage Platform v3 – 3.6.2 DBE, DME, DHE, MLE, OME, OHE
Samsung Smart Signage Platform v4, TIZEN 2.4 – v1.2.2 PMF, PHF, PMH, OHF-V Release notes
Samsung Smart Signage Platform v5 and v6, TIZEN 3.0+ – v1.1.2 DBJ, QBN, QBR, QMN, QMR, QEN, OMN, OHN, QER, OMR, QHR, SHR, QMR-T, QBR-T, QBR-A, QMR-A, QMR-B, QBR-B, QBB, QMB, QHB Release notes
Samsung Smart Signage Platform TIZEN 7.0 – v1.1.2 QBC, QMC, QHC Release notes
LG WebOS 2.0, 3.0, 3.2+, 4.0+ and 6.0 – v1.0.7 SM3B, SM5B, SM5KB, LS95D, BH5C, BH7D, UH5B, UH5C, UM3C, LS73C, LS75C, SM3C, SM5C, SM5KC, UH5C, XE3C, XF3C, XS2C, XS2E, XS2E-B, SM5D, SM5KD, SM5E, SM5KE, SH7E, UL3G, UM3F, UM5F, UH7F, UL3J, UH5J, UH7J, SM5J, XE4F Release notes
ONELAN – v1.2 v9.3.7+ NTB Subscribers Release notes
BrightSign- v2.0.7 autorun.brs | Read the setup guide here. BrightSign XT243, XT1143, HO524, LS424, HD224, HD1024, XD234, XD1034, XT244, XT1144, LS425, LS445, HD225, HD1025, XD235, XD1035, XT245, XT1145, XT2145, XC2055, XC4055 Release notes
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