Release Notes
Windows App Update v4.3.3
- Added force reconnect option in device controller: this allows the user to force reconnection from device to embed, to fetch any changes immediately
Bug Fixes:
- Fixed issue on app start where embed app would show a blue screen
- Fixed issue on Windows 11 Pro where embed app wouldn’t generate a code
Play, pause and restart action support expanded
- Expanded support of Play, Pause and Restart actions to now include Countdown Timer, YouTube and Sky News (on top of existing support for video and audio)
Nexmosphere and Analytics updates
- External Comms: added Nexmosphere controllers XN-115, XN-125, XN-165
- Analytics: Added ‘Interaction Sessions By Day’ export which provide CSV with 2x columns: Date and Total Sessions
Bug Fixes:
- Fixed: External Comms fixed an issue with Nexmosphere presence detection when using zones
New BrightSign Device Controller Function
- Device controller function introduced for BrightSign v2.0.9+ app. Button to force reconnection, from device to , to fetch any changes immediately
BrightSign App update v2.0.9
- Wifi configuration: now allows connection to unrestricted networks that do not require a password
- Support for new firmware and beta Chromium registry update (series 5 only)
- Can now run content offline for the duration of the device license period
- Improved firmware updating
Analytics, TfL and Sky News updates
- Analytics: Added better formatting for widget and plugin tracked impression data
- TfL Tube Widget: updated to include new lines Liberty, Lioness, Mildmay, Suffragette, Weaver and Windrush
- Fixed: Sky News Live widget updated with new stream
Windows App update v4.3.2
- Added reboot timer functionality
- Can now run content offline for the duration of the device license period
- Fixed issue where sometimes after publish device would stay on ‘Device Registered’ state
Samsung Tizen and LG App updates
- Samsung Tizen Smart Signage app v1.3.1: can now run content offline for the duration of the device license period
- LG WebOS for Signage app v1.2.0: can now run content offline for the duration of the device license period
Google Maps, Layout Preview by specific date/time and new media control actions
- Google Maps content app: Display Google Maps on your digital signage including live maps, dynamic layers and custom map pins. Playback requires devices running Chromium 80+.
- Play, pause, restart media: New actions added to allow play, pause and restarting of video or audio files in a playlist. Actions can be applied via content triggers, external comms, device interactions or touch.
- Added override date option to layout preview to view and test content scheduled for a specific date & time
Fix for user provisioning token creation
Bug Fixes:
- Fixed: Issue where user provisioning token creation was failing in some browsers.
Email notification updates
- Alerts: specify email addresses to send notification to (do not have to be users of ). Add multiple email address by comma separating
- Default Settings: specify email addresses to send License notifications to (do not have to be users of ). Add multiple email address by comma separating
- Email notifications for Alerts now send with the Alert name in the email subject line
O365 Integration for Room Booking
Bug Fixes:
- Fixed: Issue with O365 integration for Room Booking. Users will need reauthorise any existing O365 connections to update.
Introducing Device States and other minor updates
- Added Device State property option to Devices page. Can be updated via edit page and bulk action. Also includes ability to Filter by State.
States are:- Live (Deployed and active)
- Commissioning (Preparing for deployment)
- Decommissioned (Out of service)
- Testing (Used for testing)
- Maintenance (Down for maintenance)
- Spare (Spare or swap-out unit)
- Devices information: Unified connection types to: wifi, ethernet, cellular and unknown
- Updated Devices export to include States and License expiry
- Updated Devices import / bulk register to include States
Bug Fixes:
- Fixed: issue where TFL Tube Status and Travel apps stopped working due to changes in TFL API
Windows 7 Mouse Cursor Fix
Bug Fixes:
- Fixed: Issue where mouse cursor on Windows 7 from app v4.2.0+ would show in centre of app
Bug Fix: Nexmosphere Air Button & Presence Sensor
Bug Fixes:
- Fixed an issue with Nexmosphere Air Button & Presence sensor integration where you wouldn’t be able to detect presence on the same sensor multiple times
Updates for Time widget, SVG files, New Samsung Tizen Firmware and Bug Fixes
- Samsung Tizen: 1130.2 firmware version available via CMS for QBB, QMB, QHB devices
- Time widget: ‘Show Seconds’ option added to digital clock. When the clock is in digital clock mode allows you to show the seconds.
- Improved svg visibility in media overview, playlist media selector, playlists and layout builder
Bug Fixes:
- Fixed: Issue where svg file could not be uploaded to media section
- Fixed: Recurring conditional play by day, i.e play every 4 days for 1 day didn’t work as expected previously.
- Fixed: Issue with Dynamic Data Google Sheets where sheets without headers would cause the import to fail
YouTube Playlists, Subtitles and Play Until Finished, Default Settings options and more.
- YouTube: Added subtitles functionality (videos must have a Subtitle file (srt, vvt) – note this will not show auto-generate closed captions)
- YouTube: Added ability to play playlists
- YouTube: Added ‘Play Until Finished’ timing option
- Default Settings: Added ‘play until finished’ option for Widgets. Supported widgets are:
- YouTube
- PowerBI
- Countdown Timer
Bug Fixes:
- Fixed: Updated PowerBI OAuth configuration to be inline with latest Microsoft changes to URL matching on redirect urls
New Recurring Channel Publish Feature, Ext Comms Enhancements and Bug fixes
- Recurring channel publish. Schedule channels to publish daily or weekly. Channels will only publish at the specified frequency if there have been changes to associated dynamic media, playlists, layouts, schedules or overrides.
- External Communications: Added UI validation for command lines
- External Communications: Command lines auto-sorted by date created
Bug Fixes:
- Fixed: Dynamic media ‘repeat’ save issue
- Fixed: Issue where some thumbnail images replaced original images
New Device Conditional Play Rules, User Password controls and more
- Added options to force user to reset password in the following areas:
- When creating/editing user
- Via action in users page
- When creating a new account (Reseller)
- Added recurring force password update in security settings
- Added option to prevent users re-using existing password
- Added option to ‘show password’ on every password input field
- Allow primary user of SSO enabled account to reset password
- Added conditional play option “Devices” to apply conditional rule for specific devices or platforms
- Added option to auto remove playlist item after conditional play dates expire
- Improved thumbnail generation performance
- Updated time widget to update in sync with system clock
- Added ‘animation type’ and ‘speed’ to default settings options
Bug Fixes:
- Fixed: Dynamic Data resizing issue where text would be resized before custom fonts loaded on device, causing text to be unnecessarily resized.
Microsoft integrations: Improved authentication processes
- PowerBI Services when authenticating now request you to select a Microsoft account instead of using the first authenticated account
- Office365 Better handling of authentication errors
- Office365 now shows the authenticated user and part of the users email address on the service page
External Communications LF (Line Feed) EOL (End of Line)
Bug Fixes:
- Fixed issue with External Comms plugin where you couldn’t change EOL (End of Line) setting to LF (Line Feed) on commands
Windows 4.3.1 app
Updatable via Devices page or exe install available from downloads page.
- Updated core backend for better speed and security (Chromium 108 and Node.js 16.17.1)
- Filesystem re-write
- File downloader re-write to improve reliability of downloading files
- Added remote logs support and better logging – accessible via Device Controller in Devices page
- Improved handling of multi screen management
- Added support for upcoming Custom Apps feature
- Fixed issue where app would sometimes go to blank screen when downloading content
- Fixed issues with Restricted Browser plugin
- Fixed rounded corners on Windows 11 content playback
External Communications Playlist Items (receive)
Bug Fixes:
- Fixed an issue with External Communications where if multiple Ext Comm playlist items were added to a zone playlist, when the playlist item ended the receivers set up on that Ext Comm playlist item wouldn’t clear.
Various Enhancements and Bug Fixes
- Added ‘Select all’ option to media in layout builder to select all items in current view
- Added ‘Full Screen’ toggle to zone dimensions, enabling zone to be set to full screen on all resolutions & orientations
- BrightSign: Restrict multi output configuration options to 2×1 1×2 for XC2055 and XT2145
Bug Fixes:
- Fixed Dynamic Data query ‘equal to device’ > ‘date start/end of day’
- Fixed Dynamic Data duplication bug where could not select duplicated item
- Fixed Dynamic Data duplication bug where duplicated item customisation would change existing items customisation
Bug Fixes for Analytics Reports, BrightSign UDP IPTV and Triggered Video
Bug Fixes:
- Fixed: On reports with larger date ranges could cause response to timeout and report fail
- Fixed: BrightSign IPTV UDP stream not filling zone
- Fixed: BrightSign video without Repeat set would loop when the item was triggered directly after a video that was set to Repeat
Various Enhancements and Bug Fixes
BrightSign App v2.0.7, updatable via CMS devices page.
- Added get logs function via device controller
- Native orientation for 5 series players
- XT2145 multi output fix
- Import / Export buttons no longer visible to users without permissions
- Increased large uploader max file size to 20gb
- Reseller only feature: Enable / disable In-App support
- Improvements to BrightSign video playback on 3 & 4 series players
Bug Fixes:
- Fixed issue where multi resolution text formatting wasn’t applied when moving between playlist items
- Fixed issue where text margin was not unique per resolution, meaning only one setting was applied across multiple resolutions
Power BI OAuth
Bug Fixes:
- Fixed PowerBI OAuth refreshing of tokens where sometimes PowerBI services wouldn’t be re-authenticated to keep the service authorised with embed
Various Enhancements and Bug Fixes
- Added device import: Bulk update or Register devices via CSV or XLSX. Ability to update Name, Notes & Address of devices
- Added device export: Export devices in current view (filtered or folder) to Excel
- Better error message and handling for Analytics UI
Bug Fixes:
- Fixed issue with PowerBI where after a prolonged period of time, boards would show as blank on screen
PowerBI Single Page Refresh Every 30 Seconds
Bug Fixes:
- Fixed PowerBI issue where single page would refresh after 30 seconds causing PowerBI board to reload
Various Enhancements and Bug Fixes
- Dynamic Data: Added error messaging to Excel imports
- Dynamic Data: Updated auto publish to only publish channels that have devices assigned
- Add alert to device screenshots with known issues regarding videos in screenshots for BrightSign, Android and iOS
- Added select all option for devices page when user role is set to ‘View’ devices
Bug Fixes:
- Fixed issue where invalid conditional play in playlist with global playlists or dynamic media could cause LG WebOS screens to go black if the only valid item was the global playlist or dynamic media
- Fixed analytics export report ‘impression’ where report would never return
- Fix issue with IPTV and Source Input widgets not showing when a zone is hidden and then shown
- Fixed issue where empty sheets in Google Sheet would cause import to fail, now ignores empty sheets
- Fixed issue where unconfigured External Communications playlist item would cause channel publish to fail
- Fixed issue where Global playlists weren’t reset on page change
New Features, Enhancements and Bug Fixes 17th Jan – 12th Feb 2024
- IPTV Widget: Added volume control to playlist item
- Hivestack Plugin: Added volume control to playlist item
- BrightSign App v2.0.6 – update to BrightSign video playback to prevent black screen issue and to fix Source Input on XT1144
- Online/Offline/Off overview on device edit page now includes “off” data to match the device specific page in the analytics dashboard
- For device platforms that do not support volume control, the default volume setting has been removed from device edit page UI
- For device platforms that do not support storage locations, the storage location option has been removed from device edit page UI
Bug Fixes:
- Fixed issue with Analytics page load. Retry analytics requests on failed request if network dropped
- Fixed issue with portrait video on BrightSign 5 series: Updated video conversion to use HEVC Main profile over Main10 profile
- Fixed issue with portrait video on BrightSign 4 series causing video to glitch
- Fixed issue with Dynamic data auto resizing not resizing properly on more complex layouts
- Fixed issue with background image files not downloading to device
- Fixed issue where Global playlists weren’t reset on page change
- Fixed issue where videos set to repeat in Global playlists would not repeat and just stop on last frame
Website Widget
- Added option to pre-load or not pre-load URLs in the Website widget in a playlist
BrightSign 2.0.5 app
Requires minimum firmware version 9.0.120 for Series 5 players. Minimum version 8.5.47 firmware for Series 4. Firmware is updatable via CMS
- Support for all Series 5 BrightSign players (LS, HD, XD, XT, XC)
- XC4055 quad HDMI and XC2055 dual HDMI players
- HD, 4K and 8K players
- Bezel compensation and screen configuration tools for XC range
- Improved stability and performance for 3 and 4 Series
- Resolution (video mode) control via CMS for Series 3, 4 and 5 players
- External control with GPIO, RS232, TCP and UDP
- WiFi support for Series 3, 4 and 5
Quick Filtering in Devices page and HTML Load Options in Playlist plus Bug Fixes
- Option to pre-load or not pre-load HTML files in a playlist
- Ability to click on ‘Total Devices’, ‘Online’ and ‘Offline’ headers in the Devices overview page to filter view
Bug Fixes:
- Updated default RSS Feed widget URL
- Updated device controller ‘not connected’ tool tip status
- Fixed global playlist item timings to honour repeat setting
- Fixed issue where dynamic data slideshows did not apply conditional formatting to every item in the slideshow
- Fixed issue where ‘All Impressions’ report was missing from certain accounts in Analytics
SSSP v2 and v3 App Update
As part of the ongoing Rackspace Cloud Files issue further SSSP app update is required for SSSP v2 and v3 devices. New app version is 3.6.2.
Please also ensure that the url input into the URL launcher settings is as below for the various orienations:
- Landscape:
- Portrait:
- Portrait Reverse:
SSSP App Updates and Device Controller Screenshot Refresh Button
When using Device Controller, a refresh button has been added to the large screenshot view, so users can grab a new screenshot without having to close the window.
As part of the ongoing Rackspace Cloud Files issue further SSSP app updates are required.
- SSSP v2 and v3 App updates – version 3.6.1
- SSSP v4+ App updates – version 1.2.2
- SSSP v4 Firmware 2160.1 available via CMS
Various updates to tackle Rackspace Cloud Files issue
To see updates related to the Rackspace Cloud Files issue, please read this article.
Utilising Google Cloud Storage locations for handling the below functions
- channel publishing
- device screenshots
- file downloads
- new media uploads and processing
2x new Hosts added to Firewall information list:
- SSSP v2 and v3 App updates – version 3.6.0
- SSSP v4+ App updates – version 1.2.1
- Support for Samsung Smart Signage Platform Tizen 7.0 displays with v1.2.1 app
Power BI – Page Selection Feature
Users now have the ability to choose from the below options:
- Single Page – select a specific single page from a report
- Cycle Through All Pages – with option to select the start paget
- User Selected Playlist of Pages – select which pages to play and in which order
New Features, Enhancements and Bug Fixes for September and October 2023
- Power BI: Implemented reload time so that you can reload a dashboard fully at a specific interval
- Global playlist visibility in the layout builder: When you have a global playlist in the layout builder you can now select the playlist item and see a link to open that playlist in a new tab
- Media item visibility: In the builder, you can now select a media item in the playlist and click a link to open the media item in a new tab
- Media item visibility: On the media edit page, it will now show you exactly where a media item is being used
- Added ONELAN, Windows and Mac support to “Use original media” feature
- Updated ONELAN default resolution and orientation in channels to default to layouts resolution and orientation if only one resolution and orientation used
- Updated channel received feature to ignore ONELAN as not supported. Improved messaging to avoid confusion
- Updated numbering of trigger and touch targets to match playlist numbering
- Twitter / X widget enhancements
- Improvements to Dynamic Data fetch data direct from device feature
- Improvements to media storage handling
- Updates to travel widget overground
Bug Fixes:
- Fixed issue where unable to update user with a user in a group due to validation issue
- Fixed issue where user roles tab missing from certain pages
- Fixed issue where ONELAN default orientation in channels was not showing the correct orientation
- Fixed issue where TfL status widget would fail to update in playback
- Fixed bug where the refresh time would not refresh the data on the board
- Fixed issue where copy and paste of text would affect consistency between formatting in builder and playback
- Fixed Bug when exporting Analytics data. If in a location with a timezone that isn’t UTC the export wouldn’t adjust correctly for the timezone and would include extra days
- Fixed issue where some templates would fail to import
- Fixed issue where ONELAN players would not show registration code
- Fixed issue on old layouts where touch events would prevent layout from saving
Android App v4.1.0
v4.1.0 brings improvements to:
- Device connectivity stability
- Analytics device tracking scripts
- Device controller stability
Available via direct v4.1.0 APK download or Google Play Store
New Features: Recurring Schedules, Dynamic Data Pagination and Dynamic Data Export Data
- New: Daily and weekly recurring schedules added to Channels and Conditional Play
- New: Dynamic Data auto pagination, (Customise > Overflowing Data > Paginate enabled & paginate timeout seconds) if until finished is checked on main playlist item it will move on in the playlist when pagination is complete
- New: Dynamic data excel export (Download data in xls format)
UX/UI Improvements and Bug fix
- Improved: media library in builder and playlist editor to upload media to current folder
- Improved: Dynamic Data Google Sheet source updates to avoid empty sheets/header rows causing an import error
- Bug Fix: Fixed scale on windows and chrome website widget
Specific Page Load Speed Improvements + bug fixes
- Improved: UI code improvements to improve Performance and load speed of main Layouts, Channels, Media pages
- Bug Fix: TfL Status API had removed a mode which caused the request to error now fixed
- Bug Fix: Dynamic data builder fixes on duplication to apply field sizing and offsets as well as update field IDs on duplicate
TfL Status Widget improvements + other bug fixes
- Improved: TfL Status resizing display when showing multiple status, partial service, special service etc
- Bug Fix: Removed check that was preventing users saving account defaults
- Bug Fix: Dynamic data active colours fix for new field formats
Dynamic Data and TfL Status Widget improvements + bug fixes
- Improved: Dynamic Data auto publish improvements to prevent build up of duplicate tasks
- Improved: Added Dynamic Data conditional formatting option to ‘Hide Row’
- Improved: Updated TfL Status widget to include the Elizabeth line and Trams
- Bug Fix: Fixed Dynamic Data Ten Kites source [BETA] auto import
- Bug Fix: Fixed Dynamic Data style copying bug
Various Bug Fixes, New Nexmosphere EM-6 Support and other Improvements
- New: External communications added Nexmosphere EM-6 support
- Improved: Updated license notifications and options to check for view subscription role before allowing user to subscribe to licensing notifications
- Improved: Dynamic Data Ten Kites source [BETA] tweaks:
– Moved sections into the same menu (sheet) list instead of one sheet per section, just added column for section.
– Added logic to specify menus that need to be imported either with name or UUID, keeps order of menus consistent and also creates a sheet for that config even if it’s not found, keeping the data consistent.
– Added recipe number to help with pagination logic without development of pagination.
– Removed units being appended to data value, can be appended manually in the builder with append text. - Bug Fix: Fixed dynamic media publishing issue when filtering by file type
- Bug Fix: Fixed Dynamic Data triggers bug where it would cause two “Current” playlist items to play at same time so one wouldn’t be seen
- Bug Fix: Fixed conditional play on pages without timeouts enabled which would prevent them from switching
- Bug Fix: Fixed issue in Dynamic Data builder where a single item that didn’t have matching data would break the builder
Folders Bug Fix and New Prepend/Append Options for Dynamic Data Formatting
- Bug Fix: Edit folder updates, prevent same folder being added as parent, causing folder to disappear
- Improved: Dynamic Data Ten Kites source [BETA] tweaks: split nutritional information into separate columns for per serving vs per 100g. Split intolerances list into separate columns for contains, may contain
- New: Dynamic Data added options for prepend or append text/media formatting
Chrome Browser Zone Selection Bug Fix
- Bug Fix: Zone selection bug with chrome browser versions 100.0.4896.75 100.0.4896.88
Various Bug fixes and new BETA Dynamic Data Source
- Bug Fix: Fixed touch configuration bug when selecting group of zones, configured touch events would copy over to all zones or clear from all zones
- Bug Fix: Fixed where conditional play on sub items (global playlists) caused logic to fail and would just repeat the one item
- Bug Fix: Fixed where no matching conditional play rules on sub items in a zone playlist of multiple global playlists would break the main playlist
- New: Dynamic Data Ten Kites source [BETA] added
UX/UI Improvements, User Provisioning with Microsoft Azure Active Directory and Bug fixes
- New: Microsoft Azure Active Directory User Provisioning approved and verified by Microsoft. When configured, Azure AD automatically provisions and de-provisions users and groups to
- Improved: Dynamic Data – Removed the max width on the dynamic data fields in builder so it’s inline with the preview
- Bug Fix: Map pins – fixed when clicking on map pin to now show correct device information
- Improved: Move to folder renamed to ‘Create/Move to folder’ to be more descriptive of function
- Improved: Device Conditional Play renamed to ‘Media Tag Rules’ to be more descriptive of function
- Improved: Device edit page – Channel selection now done with instant search selection tool
- Improved: Device edit page – License key selection now done with instant search selection tool
- Improved: Device interactions UI – improved to show action and target device information at top level removing the need to click into each element to see configuration
- Bug fix: External Communications fixes for channel refresh not taking down plugin data
Various Bug Fixes
- Bug fix: Fix for updated JavaScript code causing issues on legacy devices
- Bug fix: Fixed issue where randomised playlists would play only once and stop
- Bug fix: Fixed Dynamic Media Items to work with the Channel Sync feature
- Bug fix: Fixes to Ext Comms plugin for enable/disable receiver in layout builder
- Bug fix: Fixed Power BI widget occasionally emptying dashboards and reports list
LG webOS for Signage –
app v1.0.7 update- Brings support for webOS 6.0 (signage)
- Updates to the internal libraries
Samsung Smart Signage Platform Tizen –
app v1.1.2 update- Brings USB storage update to allow the usage of external storage devices
- Updated branding
- Support for OH55F-V
Major Update: External Communications Plugin and other updates
- Major Update: External Communications Plugin to support send + receive RS232, UDP and TCP comms on Windows, macOS and BrightSign. GPIO support for BrightSign. Keyboard input support for most device platforms.
- Major Update: External Communications Plugin – Support for Nexmosphere suite of sensors (light, temperature, humidity, colour, touch, air gesture, air button, presence, proximity, motion, RFID, wireless, RGBW LED, LightMark LED, Wave LED)
- Major Update: External Communications Plugin – New Global Ext Comms actions panel to configure listen/receive commands in layout builder
- Major Update: External Communications Plugin – New Send Ext Comms commands via actions (trigger / touch etc) in layout builder
- Major Update: External Communications Plugin – New function to configure ‘enable/disable’ commands for any Ext Comm element in layout builder
- Updated: Added option to show labels in Dynamic Data
- Updated: Dynamic Data builder query by device detail full date +/-7days
- Updated: Power BI widget efficiency improvements
General Updates and Bug Fixes
- Updated: Updated dynamic data to ignore rows where no column data is found
- Updated: Samsung QB firmware 2340.5 and PHF Firmware to 2140.1 can be pushed via CMS
- Updated: Dynamic Data builder query by device detail full date +/-7days
- Bug Fix: Power BI widget update data to look for correct service name
- Bug fix: Dynamic Data seamless update and date checks to not overwrite slideshow data
- Bug fix: Notification issue where some devices were sending time string with double timezones breaking API
New: Device Information Widget plus Improvements and Bug Fixes
- Bug fix: Added check for fields on weather widget that would break templates when being imported
- Improved: Updated alerts process to ensure oldest alert runs first if tasks get delayed
- Updated: Dynamic Data update for non-tabular Webpages with ability to add headers and the related selector
- New: Launched Device Information widget. This widget can be used to show device information in a layout which you can customise the font styling. Information that can be displayed includes device name, license number / type, IP address, connection status, boot time and much more. This widget is available upon request, if you would like to have it added to your account, please contact us.
Bug Fix: Analytics
- Fixed analytics interaction session not showing data
Boot Time information, distribute Original Video and Bug Fixes
- Added ‘Boot Time’ information to device edit page to show when embed was last launched on a device
- Added the ability to select ‘original media’ to distribute the original uploaded video file rather than the transcoded version
- Bug fix: Fixed actions/events not calling when zone hasn’t loaded for the first time yet
General update and bug fixes
- Reset text scroller items when ended
- Fixed countdown timer on dates only counting down from the time the layout loaded
- Added ‘View Security’ option to custom role configurations
Power BI Update
- It is now possible to show Reports or Dashboard from the ‘My Workspace’ area on Power BI via embed/embedtext].
UI and Device update
- UI speed improvements
- Channel speed improvements
- Updated device refresh period to 2 minutes
User / Security Updates
- Two Factor Authentication (2FA) login now available with either email or Authenticator Mobile application. Read the guide
- Single Sign-On (SSO) now supported for third party IdP login including Microsoft Azure and Okta. Read the guides
- User Provisioning now supported with Okta. Read the guide
- New option for Admin users to allow or deny Reseller’s access to their account
Geo-fencing Conditional Play
- Geo-fencing conditional play allows you to specify a radius of a location for when content is valid to play. If a device is located within that area, the content is valid to play. Read more about using this feature on our support site.
Dynamic Data Options
- Added Google Sheets as a source. Read more about using this feature on our support site.
- Get data from multiple sheets and merge into one dynamic data item. We recommend that data be a similar format to work nicely.
- Conditional formatting options added for ‘Sheet name contains’ and ‘Source name contains’.
- Query by device time as well as date
- Added options for device time -/+15min,30min,1hour,1day
Android 4.0.3 app
- Bug fix: Fixed where Android UI goes over the top of the app preventing touch
UI Tags and Channel Search
- New: Added option to search for devices in a Channel by UI tags
- Improved: Ability to click to expand to see all UI tags added to an element
- Improved: Ability to see UI tags for any element within the relevant page (i.e. device edit page, layout configuration page etc)
Device Conditional Play
- New: Added option to Enable, Disable, Add, Overwrite and Edit device conditional play tags and rules for multiple devices with a top level bulk editing option on the devices page
- New: Added options to filter devices by conditional play tags and rules in devices page
Weather Widget
- New: Added option to show City location name as a field in the custom design option of the weather widget
Time Widget – Introduction of Analogue Clocks
- Added option to show time as an Analogue Clock
- Choose from 5 scalable presets
- Option to make your own custom Analogue Clock by uploading images for the clock face, hour, minute and second hands
Microsoft Power BI Improvements
- Added option to show/hide the filters and page tabs
- Added option to specify data refresh period
Uploading media files via Large Uploader
- Files with special characters are renamed on upload to prevent special characters causing upload errors
- Updated process so time consuming processes now run in the background
- Fixed issue where processing files would sometimes timeout with files over ~500mb
Seenspire content feeds
- Easily display any Seenspire content feed via playlists in
macOS v4.2.1
- Fixed bug where MacBook’s with touch bar would not generate unique ID
Microsoft Power BI Secure Integration
- Securely link a Microsoft Power BI account with to show Reports or Dashboards from Workspaces
Read: How to display a Microsoft Power BI Dashboard or Report with
Windows and macOS v4.2.0
- Updated internal libraries for better media codec support, security and performance
- Quit and settings panel can now be accessed via Ctrl+Q(windows) or Cmd+Q(mac)
- Quit and settings panel can now be called when a website is in full screen and keyboard events are being captured by it
- Playback performance improvement
- MP4 multiple videos issue resolved
- Fixed issue where downloads on very slow network connection would fail and download corrupt content
- Added the ability to Reset the app password to default via CMS
- Troubleshooter improvements
- Added capture OS keyboard events in Kiosk settings to prevent unauthorised quitting of the embed application. Any unauthorised event will call up the embed signage quit window
macOS v4.2.0 only
- Support for M1 Mac’s
Windows v4.2.0 only
- Added an Advanced Kiosk option for enhanced device security (no desktop, auto boot app, restricted keyboard commands and disabled CTRL+ALT+DEL – requires Administrator Permission)
- Ability to reboot the device via the app settings panel
- Ability to start task manager via settings panel (this will quit the app. Function disabled when in Advanced Kiosk mode)
- Ability to activate Kiosk mode and Kiosk Advanced via the installer
To update a device to the v4.2.0 app, please push the update via the embed signage CMS.
If you want to a fresh install, please download the install files from our downloads page.
Added CMS Feature
- Added ability to update application on multiple devices via Devices page
BrightSign v1.1.4 app
- Minor updates for Power BI integration
- Fixed application update error
- Tweaks to native video player for 4K portrait video
- Added improvements for memory usage
Android app update v4.0.2
- Added native video playback (limitations for native playback are videos/streams in one zone only)
- New setting in device edit page for video player: native | default (html player)
- New setting in default settings for video player: native | default (same as above but only applies when device is registered, to update existing devices go to the device edit page)
- IPTV via UDP or HLS streams now supported
- Update to internal libraries
- LED edge-light support for All See POS15HD7 and POS10HD7 displays (can be red, green, blue or disabled)
- ARM64, ARMv7, ARMeabi X86 and X86_64 app versions.
- Updated app branding
- If you’re side loading the embed apk, please check the support article to find which app version is right for your device
- Download the 4.0.2 apk(s) from the downloads page.
8K video resolutions
- Added transcode for videos up to 8K resolution so users can upload videos up to 8K resolution
MP4 switch
- Windows and macOS devices on application version 4.1.3+ will now use mp4 video format instead of webm, please publish channels to update
- Switching to mp4 formats for Windows and macOS v4.1.3+ apps allows those devices to playback video content up to 8K resolution
BrightSign app update v1.1.2
- Added native video playback
- 4k portrait video now supported with native playback enabled
- IPTV via UDP or HLS streams now supported with native playback enabled
- New setting in device edit page for video player: native | default (html player)
- New setting in default settings for video player: native | default (same as above but only applies when device is registered, to update existing devices go to the device edit page)
- New setting in playlist editors for “Video placement”. Due to restrictions on the platform, native video playback can only be placed either on top of content or behind content
- New setting in default settings for “Video placement”. (same as above but only applies to new playlist items or dynamic media. To update existing playlist items, edit the item in the playlist editor)
- Channels require publishing when the device video player is changed
- Updated app branding
LG App Update v1.0.4
- Updated embed app branding
- Updated LG API to latest
- Improved file system to fix external storage issue where in some cases the content would re-download
Analytics Feature
- Monitor device connections, content playback and touch interactions – discover more here
App Updates
- Connection interval will be show the device online as per other platforms
- Analytics updated to latest version
Windows and Mac – v4.1.3
- Added analytics feature support
- Fixed RS232 bug where RS232 connections couldn’t be established
- Fixed playback bug that would cause memory to build up after channel publish
Tizen – v1.1.1
- Added support for SBB devices
- Added analytics feature support
LG – v1.0.3
- Added analytics feature support
ChromeOS – v1.1.5
- Changed quit menu to 3 finger hold instead of 2 finger hold
- Added analytics feature support
BrightSign – v1.1.1
- Added analytics feature support
- Improvements to CMS connection
Bug fixes
- v4.1.2 – Fixed issue where videos intermittently would not play.
- v4.1.2 – Fixed issue where default password could not be updated.
- v1.1.0 BrightSign app – HO, LS, HD, XD, XT 3 & 4 series models supported
- v1.1.0 BrightSign app – HDMI Source input supported on XT models
- v1.1.0 BrightSign app – External Communications Plugin supported for RS232/Serial peripheral connectivity
- v1.1.0 BrightSign app – Touch supported
- v1.1.0 BrightSign app – 4K content supported on XD and XT models
- v1.1.0 BrightSign app – Change orientation via dashboard
- v1.1.0 BrightSign app – Set reboot schedule via dashboard (daily / weekly)
- v1.1.0 BrightSign app – Get screenshot, IP details, time / date info and reboot device via dashboard
- v1.1.0 BrightSign app – Push firmware and app updates via dashboard
Bug fixes
- v4.1.1 app – Fixed troubleshooter not restarting app
- v4.1.1 app – Fixed some content types not playing properly
- v4.1.1 app – Fixed device controller screenshot showing blank
- Ability to use webpage tabular data
- FTP locations for JSON & XML data
- Ability to edit / input pixel values for dimension and position of fields
- Column ordering (horizontal or vertical)
- Autoresizing of rows / text for overflowing text
- Slideshow auto resizing
- Scrolling text fields
- Updated layout builder UI to make designing data easier
If you require assistance with any of the updates, then please visit the link below to view our Dynamic Data support articles.
- v4.1.0 app – Core application updates include many performance & security improvements
- v4.1.0 app – Removed IPTV support
- RS232 Plugin – Being renamed to ‘External Communications Plugin’
- RS232 Plugin / Ext Comms Plugin – Support for TCP connections (for example sending Brightness control commands via TCP)
- v4.1.0 app – Serial ports now show more information about the serial device connected
Bug fixes
- v4.1.0 app – OSD now shows in kiosk & normal desktop mode
- v4.1.0 app – Downloading of channels no longer causes grey screens
- v4.1.0 app – Resizing of windows without restarting application
- v4.1.0 app – Multi screen setup – on reboot in kiosk mode the modal now only shown on main monitor
- v4.1.0 app – Multi screen setup – first screen is now selected as main monitor
- Conditional play – on start up, if no page matches conditions, conditional play will retry every 30 seconds until a page is found
- IPTV widget – Subtitles now supported for ONELAN devices
- Global Playlist – an option has been added for users to choose a background colour when designing / building global playlists. Ideal for editing text (contrast background to text colour)
Bug Fix
- Global Playlist – scrolling text item with scroll now scrolls when global playlist item added to layout
- Weather – API migrated to AccuWeather for general reliability improvements
- RS232 – ability to add ‘send’ commands via layout builder for Windows and Mac OS devices. Ideal for screen control such as brightness adjustment or standby modes
- Alerts / Notifications – users can now configure device offline notifications to get email alerts when a device goes offline after xxxx period. The user can also configure a time when the alert is active to ensure they do not received notifications for periods when the device is scheduled to be shutdown / switched off
- Alerts / Notifications – users can now configure alerts for Dynamic Data failed imports (for failed fetches for FTP, XML, JSON)
- Default layout and channel available for all new accounts
- Room Booking Plugin – conditional play options in layout builder for pages, zones, playlist items to play based on ‘meeting in progress’ or ‘no meeting’ status’
- Room Booking Plugin – a new ‘meeting only’ template available in customise section
- SSSP v6 – Support for Samsung Smart Signage Platform 6.0 with app v1.0.7. Models QMN 43″, 49″, 55″, 65″, 75″ and QBN 43″, 49″, 55″, 65″, 75″
- ONELAN v11.1+ firmware – hardware acceleration
- Device refresh rate – now fixed to 60 seconds for all accounts
- Layout builder – Layouts with multiple resolutions now load in the layout builder showing the first layout resolution of a registered device
- Layout builder – icons added for global zone, visibility and locked zones in the main zones sidebar
- Conditional play – pages and playlist items with conditional play added no longer need timeouts to switch
- Conditional play – smarter calculations for ‘time’ over days where users can now set a timing to run overnight, rather than adding two times up to and after midnight
- Device Conditional play – devices only download media valid to play
- Channel – smarter calculations over days where users can now set a schedule to run overnight, rather than adding two schedules up to and after midnight
- Channel – option added to set a schedule for ‘all day’ rather than having to specify times
- Dynamic Data Plugin – ability to add custom headers for JSON import, single & sub object processing (can now use JSON feeds with API keys)
- v1.0.1 LG WebOS for Signage App – includes support for both 2.0 devices and 4.0 devices
- v1.0.1 LG WebOS for Signage App – ability to set multiple on / off timers via Device Edit page
Bug Fixes
- v1.0.1 LG WebOS for Signage App – improved loading of application (where device would remain on Checking Device status)
- Conditional Play – Connection Status set on zone to only show when online prevented page content from loading – fixed
- Typo – small spelling mistake on licensing notification option fixed in UI
- Device conditional play info now shows on main devices page
- Resellers can now switch to any client account from the side menu
- Dashboard – updated dashboard including lots of new useful information including: quick checklist for new users, licenses overview, devices overview, all player application / configuration links, help and support links, release notes, latest news and social links
- Reseller area now includes search functionality, pagination and further options for reseller to add contact details for support and licensing
- Content playback – audio and video now move on to next item if they error rather than stopping
- Removed Chrome browser autofill function for embed signage UI
- Touch interactions when added to zones are automatically saved rather than requiring a manually save
Bug Fixes
- User within a user group can no longer see folders in the Global Playlist section that have different tags
- Conditional play copying to next selected zone now fixed
- Reseller adds custom logout url and clients would not be routed correctly to the specified logout url now fixed
- Push Animations – available for pages, zones and playlist items. Set transition of item to push left, push right, push up or push down
Bug Fix
- ChromeOS app updated to 1.1.4 – bug where device stuck in connection lost state fixed
- Weather Widget: Choose to show temperature and wind speed with decimal place or not
- Weather Widget: Display forecasts in columns or rows (landscape or portrait)
Bug Fixes
- Weather Widget: When selecting custom as the formatting option the icon size is default to 50×50 px instead of 0x0 px
- If column is formatted as date, order by will order by the actual date and not just the text value
- Additional device detail query option “Date”, can now query data based on the date column (to only show events in future etc)
- Date formats like 12/07/2018 will be ‘Americanised’… 07 December 2018
Bug Fixes
- ONELAN software version 11.0.4 now works properly when subscribing to embed signage.
- Image formatting in builder now shows images and letterboxes/stretches properly. Formatting is ignored if image formatting is incorrect.
Bug Fixes
- Weather widget API returning incorrect data for requested period. Put fix in place to prevent incorrect data showing.
Bug Fixes
- When setting auto publish to ‘no’ on Dynamic Data source setup, it now doesn’t schedule the channel to publish once the source has been updated
- Android 4.0.1 app released – includes multiple improvements including device controller function for screenshots (device depending), channel download checksums and device statistics.
Bug Fixes
- iOS Dynamic Data Plugin – Scroll through items and touch event on the zone wouldn’t work together. Now resolved
New Features
- Samsung Smart Signage Platform v5, TIZEN 3.0 now supported. Read more here.
- New SSSP v4 and v5 application released. v1.0.6 application – reboot / relaunch device to update.
- New SSSP v4 firmware available via CMS. 2040.7 available.
Bug Fixes
- Ability to add new users to accounts without Privacy Policy / Terms of Use. Users must accept on first sign in.
- If user did not have access to media item, playlist would not load. Now loads the playlist and user can view but not edit that media.
- Dynamic Data Plugin: Where scroll items and touch action on same zone, scroll did not work. Scroll works with Tap. Swipe and scroll will not work.
New Features
- Device Interaction plugin – Added action to activate the Default Layout on a channel
- GDPR – Updated Privacy Policy effective 24th May 2018
- GDPR – Updated Terms of Use effective 24th May 2018
- GDPR – Updated user profile page accessible by clicking on the username with ability to manage all notification consent
Bug Fixes
- Room Booking plugin – Internet Explorer bug where event entires would either disappear or show time / date as ‘invalid’
- Room Booking plugin – Time zone issues and 12AM/PM display resolved
New Features
- Format data as List
- Format data as Date
- Format data as Media with options for sizing (letterbox, crop, stretch) and option for slideshow timing
- Conditional formatting includes ‘show text’ and ‘show media’ options as well as changing field or row text colours and field or row background colours
- WYSIWYG preview of data updates to show the applied formatting
New Features
- New conditional play rules for: Weather conditions, wind speeds and device connectivity. Read more about conditional play.
- Dynamic Data Plugin: XML sources added. For example sources, please read our support article.
- Dynamic Data Plugin: JSON sources can now include items with a sub-property (JSONPath). For example sources, please read our support article.
Bug Fixes
- YouTube widget network / stream dropout. Error handling now in place to restart stream or video if it is interrupted/stopped
New Features
- Global Playlist save options – Save and continue, Save and exit, Save and publish (if channels contain playlist and have been published since updates)
- Updates to Global Playlists now update channel status to please publish if channel(s) contain playlist and has been published since updates
- Dynamic Data plugin import from JSON feed. Only basic JSON feeds as per example: [{item}, {item}, {item}] – More Dynamic Data improvements due soon
- RS232 plugin – ONELAN RS232 output (see below), Windows RS232 input only, Mac RS232 input only. More RS232 features and support coming soon
- ONELAN RS232 screen control – requires ONELAN compatible RS232 to USB convertor and the RS232 plugin
- ONELAN IPTV UDP Streaming support – requires multi zone ONELAN player and stream-in license. Read more here
- Reseller area “Accounts email” option added. Will be used for licensing emails, otherwise will default to “support email” option
- Tagging channels no longer updates channel status to “please publish”
- Page transitions sped up
- Zone animations take page animation, if no animation is set
- Specific playlist item action for touch, content triggers, page timeouts, RS232 actions, device interactions all updated to use ID instead of playlist item order/index
- If page is transitioning when another action is called to change page, will try action again in 500ms instead of cancelling action
- Dynamic Data plugin 15 mins and 30 mins refresh/update frequencies added
- YouTube Widget – ONELAN can now show YouTube videos. Note: YouTube Live Streams not supported on ONELAN
Bug Fixes
- Fixed various Dynamic data layout creation discrepancies
New Features
- Added channel received information to device page
Bug Fixes
- iPhone resolution – pulls in pixel perfect resolution
- Whitelist Browser Plugin – now fully functional
New Features
- Added option in settings menu to disable right click to quit.
- Added support for RS232 devices. You can now see connected RS232 devices in the bottom of the settings panel. To be used with RS232 widget / plugin coming soon.
- Current file name and size now displayed when downloading files.
- Loading of layouts quicker.
- Added CTRL + Q to quit the app. Options are now Escape Key, CTRL + Q or Right Click if enabled via the settings menu.
- Removed transparency on quit window to avoid visibility issues when using TeamViewer.
- Added option in settings to run device in Kiosk mode. Turning Kiosk Mode on will configure the Windows device to auto-boot embed signage and prevent Windows notification / ability to access Windows Desktop.
- Log files stored for improved troubleshooting:
- on OS X: ~/Library/Logs/embedsignage/log.log
- on Windows: %USERPROFILE%\AppData\Roaming\embedsignage\log.log
- Improved app boot time.
Bug Fixes
- Fixed content download issue where content would not load correctly
- Added file integrity check to ensure files downloaded correctly on slower network connections
- Reduced device controller screenshot size by 96% resulting in faster screenshots
- Fixed screenshot issue where it would sometimes not return a screenshot
- Fixed main quit disappearing behind playback window
- Improved screen detection settings – now will resize automatically if set to fullscreen/stretch when the screen resolution changes or is detected / not-detected
- Improved auto updater. If fails will now automatically boot the app
- Fixed not being able to set volume via device controller
- IPTV listeners to ensure playback resumes after interruption of stream (Windows only)
Updating from Windows 4.0.1 or 4.0.2?
If you are updating from either Windows 4.0.1 or 4.0.2 applications, please follow the steps outlined in our support page:
For all previous release notes and software updates, please see here.
All future release notes will be added to this page.